Need your help Now! Mission of assisting our destitute, homeless and hopeless at the shelters and on the streets.
Michael J. Perry U.S.A.F. Ret. President at Military Network Ltd. 1 day ago I require financial support to continue assisting those who remain destitute out here in the shelters and on the streets. I've given away or sold everything I've ever owned – in order to continue this mission of assisting our destitute, homeless and hopeless at the shelters and on the streets. I now need your help too, because I've run out of resources to continue. Thank You, and your can begin your research of me by looking up my profile here – all the data I believe you need is there. I am ordained and have a ministers license to function - #17256663 and also began my ministry here on LinkedIn at the Group Military Network Ministries and in Lubbock Texas. I was for many years - focused on assisting other veterans – but am being evolved into assisting all others as well; so some of the wording is still focussed on 'vete...