
Showing posts from September 25, 2015

Syracuse runs a FREE program through a grant it received.

If you are seeking IT certificates,  Syracuse runs a FREE program through a grant it received.    They will pay for you to take 1 exam and you can take as many classes as possible.   Additional resources to assist you in preparing for these exams can be found through Military One Source on the MWR Library -,    MWR library You might want to check with your education center to see what would be available to you through TA. (GI Bill will cover cot for exams) If you are considering remaining in the military, cyber is up and coming. You might be able to get the military to pay for your training.

Apprenticeship and Jobs Training Act of 2015 $5,000 for the training of a qualified individual in a qualified apprenticeship prog...

Military Network Apprenticeship and Jobs Training Act of 2015   Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow employers a business-related tax credit for up to $5,000 for the training of a qualified individual in a qualified apprenticeship prog...

pulse- what-your-image-selling

Matthew Flynn DVOP at New York State Department of Labor    Recently I was contacted by an individual who wanted to help me improve my financial situation. They had a Linkedin photo of themselves sitting on a 1970’s pattern couch wearing a T-shirt with what appeared to be their son.  The photo had a haze that screamed 1980’s era photo and the back drop also looked like the 1980’s paneling used in house trailers of the time.    I guess by now you are seeing the mismatch.  Maybe it was a scam or maybe it was someone who thought a 30 year old photo was a better sell for them; to tell you the truth, I will never know.    It got me thinking about how many will never get known by a perspective employer because of the photo (or lack of) they are using as their profile image. Appearance is 55% of the Personal Sale The importance of image is nothing new.  In 1967 UCLA Professor Emeritus of Psychology Albert Mehrab...