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How to become a Microsoft Certified Professional

Become a Microsoft Certified Professional

What is Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)?

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) is a certification that validates IT professional and developer technical expertise through rigorous, industry-proven, and industry-recognized exams. MCP exams cover a wide range of Microsoft products, technologies, and solutions. 
When you pass your first qualifying MCP exam, you automatically become a Microsoft Certified Professional and gain access to MCP benefits. You also join a community of millions of MCPs, with thousands more joining every month. After you become an MCP, you’re on your way to distinguishing yourself through expert certifications including Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

MCP qualifying exams include all of the exams required in the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), MCSE, MCSD, and Microsoft Specialist certifications. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exams and Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exams do not qualify for MCP certification.
Sajid Ali

"Absolutely the certification changed my life: the moment I got my first MCP it was that much easier to get the interviews and ultimately secure a job."

Sajid Ali | Solutions Architect | Canada


MCP benefits


As an MCP, you have access to many valuable career tools, such as:

Certification Planner Track your progress and view options for completing your certification.
Certificate Manager View, download, or purchase paper copies of certificates for the Microsoft Certifications you earn.
Official transcript download and sharing tool
Certification logos Download official certification logos.
MCP eStore Purchase apparel and accessories with certification logos.
MCP community Make connections with your peers through the Born To Learn blog.
Promotional offers Access special offers on Microsoft training and certification products and discounts.
Member resources Find training or evaluation software, look for job opportunities, and much more.


How to become a Microsoft Certified Professional


Certifications & exams > Certification benefits

College and career readiness

The number of job postings in the cloud computing industry is growing so rapidly that there aren't enough qualified workers available to fill the positions. Get certified, and be part of the solution.

Get hired

Five times as many high-growth/high-salary positions require experience with Office than all non-Microsoft software skills combined. (IDC/Microsoft, Skills Requirements for Tomorrow’s Best Jobs: Helping Educators Provide Students with Skills and Tools They Need, October 2013)

Twenty-nine percent of tomorrow’s high-growth/high-wage positions require Office or Office-related skills. (IDC/Microsoft, Skills Requirements for Tomorrow’s Best Jobs: Helping Educators Provide Students 
with Skills and Tools They Need, October 2013)

Eighty-six percent of hiring managers indicate that IT certifications are a high or medium priority during the candidate evaluation process. (CompTIA, Employer Perceptions of IT Training and Certification, January 2011)

Eight in ten HR execs verify certifications among job candidates. (CompTIA, Employer Perceptions of IT Training and Certification, January 2011)

Ninety-one percent of hiring managers consider certification as part of their hiring criteria. (Microsoft, Microsoft Certification Program Satisfaction Study, April 2012)

Get recognized

Sixty-four percent of IT hiring managers rate certifications as having extremely high or high value in validating the skills and expertise of job candidates. (CompTIA, Employer Perceptions of IT Training and Certification, January 2011)

Certification, training, and experience are three of the top four most important characteristics when selecting a candidate for a cloud-related position. (IDC/Microsoft, Climate Change: Cloud's Impact on IT Organizations and Staffing, November 2012)

See success stories demonstrating how Microsoft Certifications help people in their careers.

Get ahead

In high-growth industries, entry-level employees who hold a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification or Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification can earn up to $16,000 more, annually, than their peers. (IDC/Microsoft, Skills Requirements for Tomorrow’s Best Jobs: Helping Educators Provide Students with Skills and Tools They Need, October 2013)

In a study group of 20 IT professionals who were provided exam vouchers, 18 passed the exam. Five of the 18 have been recognized as leaders in their respective technical areas, and most have received a job promotion or are working on more interesting projects. (Garth Jones, One Simple Thing to Help Your IT Career: Certification, Windows IT Pro, October 9, 2014)

In a survey of 700 IT networking professionals, 60 percent said that certification led to a new job. (Network World and SolarWinds, IT Networking Study, October 2011)

Training and certification will play essential roles in preparing IT professionals for the evolving IT org. (IDC/Microsoft, Climate Change: Cloud's Impact on IT Organizations and Staffing, November 2012)
When you pass a Microsoft Certification exam, you become a member of the Microsoft Certified

Professional (MCP) community, with access to all of the benefits provided through the Microsoft Certification Program. You can use your Microsoft account to access your benefits and exams dashboard and to find lots of ways to keep your skills relevant, applicable, and competitive.

Exams you pass and certifications you earn become part of your official transcript, which you can allow potential employers to access directly. A Microsoft Certification is an industry standard which is recognized worldwide and which can help open doors to potential job opportunities.

The American Council on Education (ACE) has approved college credit for select Microsoft Certifications. When you pass a Microsoft Certification exam, you can apply for US college credit via the ACE College Credit Recommendation Service.

Certification develops essential skills

"I’m responsible for a team of 30 people. My company is growing and growing. When we hire someone new, we check out his certifications as well as experience. People who are not certified are dropped from consideration. "
Peter De Tender | Infrastructure architect | Belgium


A requirement not only for IT-centric roles, but for jobs in traditionally ‘analog’ business... 


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 Prepping students with business productivity 
skills for 21st century jobs!!


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