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Need your help Now! Mission of assisting our destitute, homeless and hopeless at the shelters and on the streets.

Michael J. Perry U.S.A.F. Ret. President at Military Network Ltd.

I require financial support to continue assisting those who remain destitute out here in the shelters and on the streets.

I've given away or sold everything I've ever owned – in order to continue this mission of assisting our destitute, homeless and hopeless at the shelters and on the streets. I now need your help too, because I've run out of resources to continue. 

Thank You, and your can begin your research of me by looking up my profile here – all the data I believe you need is there. I am ordained and have a ministers license to function - #17256663 and also began my ministry here on LinkedIn at the Group Military Network Ministries and in Lubbock Texas. 

I was for many years - focused on assisting other veterans – but am being evolved into assisting all others as well; so some of the wording is still focussed on 'veterans'. 

Our mission: 
* Assist our people 
* Support and nurture organizations that are assisting and helping our people 
* Spread the word of the services available to those with whom we interact 

As I walk around the streets of our cities, talking with and assisting fellow American's in the shelters, at the food pantries & kitchens and out on the street, I am overwhelmed by the need to assist our homeless and hopeless, my realization and understanding that many of them are unaware of their own status and the benefits available to them if only they claim their status and seek assistance, the brightness that enters their eyes when they understand that we are paying attention and providing as we are able to what is needed for them, and the look of confidence they regain as they secure housing, good food, medical care and most of all, a sense of belonging once again. 

Your support and your donations are urgently needed to continue my mission to assist our fellow Americans in the shelters and out on the streets, supporting and nurturing organization that also assist and help them and spreading hope among them. Even $20.00 goes a long ways in assisting someone who has nothing of value in their possession. 

Mailing Address: 102 Waco Ave #212 
Lubbock, Tx 79415 

Paypal Address: * Preferred because it provides you a receipt of the transaction for your records and one to me as well. 

Salute! Mike P. 

Michael J. Perry, U.S.A.F. Ret. 
Founder, Military Network 
President, Military Network, Ltd. 
Minister, Military Network Ministries 


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