Workforce Role of Registered Apprenticeship Provider



Educators and Trainers

 “Registered Training Provider” is enhanced with a Workforce Role of “Registered Apprenticeship Provider”

The NAS - IT distribution model consists of a channel of “Consultants” comprising of professional training organizations and community colleges. These consultants have extended their business model and/or mission to not only educate and certify IT students, but to program manage the skills validation component of their education in the workplace. As program managers, they work with a NAS - IT employer, (Sponsor) to identify the apprentice needs of the sponsor, train coaches or mentors who validate apprentice skills, and monitor and report to the sponsor on apprentice progress on completing a NAS - IT skills concentration.

The deployment of this distribution model provides an “end to end” approach to educating, delivering, and validating an individual’s value contribution to the employer. In the model, the traditional Workforce role of “Registered Training Provider” is enhanced with a Workforce Role of “Registered Apprenticeship Provider” - extending the management responsibilities of a provider to, educate and VALIDATE that education in a job setting. This closely ties into the intent of apprenticeship under section 122 defining providers, and section 136 outlining performance indicators, of the WIA act.



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