Employer Resources - National Apprenticeship System


In the case of NITAS, the IT Community developed for DOL approval a set of National Guideline Standards that individual employers/companies can adopt as their IT apprenticeship program. Register as a NAS Employer and Fulfill the DOL Apprenticeship Requirements on your behalf.

Registration as a Sponsor commits the employer to following the On The Job Learning outlines, related instruction, assurances and certifications that NAS will develop for all parties to the apprenticeship program.  When/if the employer agrees to DOL registration, NAS can act as the employers agent in submitting the registration request and appropriate information to DOL.  NAS can also act as the employer’s agent in notifying DOL of any modifications to the their Standards.  On matters of program content and training, it would be appropriate for NITAS to review and approve or reject those changes.

In each  case, the employer is responsible for the operation of the program and maintenance of the standards.  The company still employs the apprentice and has full authority (and liability) for any actions it takes in the apprenticeship program.

Does Registering Apprenticeship Standards Subject the Employer 
to Additional Laws?

No.  Employers are already covered by State and Federal laws regarding minimum wages, safety practices, Equal Employment Opportunity and hiring practices for the disabled.  There is no added requirements to laws which already govern the workplace.  The employer is agreeing to a voluntary set of provisions that describe the operation of their apprenticeship program.

Does registration require extensive paperwork?

Employers participating in NAS will be able to register through an electronic system which will maintain the required documents. Employers will be able to adopt a set of Apprenticeship Standards and use a an already developed record keeping system for their apprentices.  

What if the employer decides to terminate the apprenticeship program?

The employer may terminate the registration of the apprenticeship program at any time upon notification to the registration agency through NAS or directly to the registration agency.  The most common reasons are lack of work or no longer a need for the skilled workers in the apprentice-able occupation. The apprentices will be notified of the cancellation of the registration by the employer.  There are no penalties or liability for terminating the registration but any right or privilege of registration is lost.

Certified Apprenticeship Consultant - A “process expert” who works within a NAS partner organization to mentor and administrate apprentices in a sponsor organization.  Consultants may be internal or external to the sponsor organization. A NAS Certified Consultant must receive authorized training on apprenticeship principles and the use of NAS infrastructure. Upon completion of training, a Certified Apprenticeship Consultant is capable of working with an employer to customize what additional training is necessary for the employer’s apprentices, can create custom qual cards for the employer, can act as a mentor to assure that qual cards are completed by the apprentice, and will assist the organization in managing and reporting progress of the apprentices.  Any fees associated with these services are negotiable between the employer and the consultant.

Certified Apprenticeship Consultant becomes fully qualified upon completion of the training and sign-offs on all consultant qual card items.

To ensure a level of quality control and compliance to nationally recognized training standards provided by the DOL, NAS requires that each sponsor work with a Certified consultant to implement the apprenticeship.  The consultant is a process expert and can be either a trained person internal to the sponsor company or an external provider.  The consultant may or may not also provide training and/or coaching services to the sponsor company.  To become qualified each consultant must go through two days of training available through CompTIA and demonstrate competency in the field.

The NAS web-enabled system also facilitates the selection, scheduling and tracking of delivered classroom instruction or (CBT) that supports the apprenticeship process. Content provider organizations can map their course content to competencies within NAS concentrations and pre-load this mapping into the system allowing easier course selection and administration of the apprenticeship within a sponsor organization.



Employer Resources
Employer Registered Apprenticeship

Local Apprenticeship Offices


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