To the quality counselors out there, thank you for your diligent efforts!
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Many veterans fight with VA Vocational Rehabilitation for years before figuring out that program administrators are straight up lying to them about what the program can do for any veteran.
Want to know what those lies are before you fall victim?
Thousands of disabled veterans apply for Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation every year. Some are successful in getting the benefits they deserve and some are not.
In my time researching and writing on the subject, there seems to be a common theme arising: lies. Many veterans are misled about what Voc Rehab can do for them even though policies exist that contradict what counselor say.
This leads one to conclude that either there are guidelines to excuses somewhere that Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors live by, or there is an underlying discussion between offices as to what excuses can be used to keep deserving disabled veterans from their benefits.
It reminds me of a period of my life when I spent a great deal of my recreational time researching the Bible. Living in England at the time, I used the ESV Bible, the Cambridge Companion to the Bible, the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, and a copy of The Living Buddha, Living Christ that my grandmother sent me. Over the years, scholars have found there to be such commonality between the New Testament Gospels that they came to believe there existed a fifth text referred to as “Q.” Q is believed by many scholars to be the first written gospel that contained many of the quotes and anecdotes of Jesus’ time on Earth.
In a similar way, one cannot help but speculate that there is a similar text that creates a common set of lies Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors tell disabled veterans when denying claims. In my searches for it, I seem only to find regulations that support veterans’ claims for benefits -- strange.
Background. The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (DVA OIG) ordered an audit of the VR&E program in 2007 and a subsequent survey sampling of 80,000 veterans to find out why so many disabled veterans never complete the program. While VR&E boasts a success rate of close to 75 percent to the U.S. Congress, the real number is much lower. According to the DVA OIG, the true success rate is closer to 18 percent. Most qualified veterans drop out of Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment(VR&E) before developing an Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan (IWRP). Many more drop out before finishing the program. VR&E has not been including these cases in their reported success rate.
In Corporate America, this is called “cooking the books,” for which people have gone to jail and been sued. Lucky for VR&E, the officials of this ENRON of the federal government are largely blanketed by sovereign immunity. The government has to agree to let you sue the government. Convenient.
The following is a list of a few of most common fish stories given by Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to deny veterans access to Chapter 31 benefits:
1. Veterans with high disability ratings usually fail to complete their training.
2. You cannot use Vocational Rehabilitation if you are Individually Unemployable (IU).
3. Veterans with families have a harder time completing their programs.
4. Vocational Rehabilitation will not pay for graduate school.
5. If you have a job, you do not qualify for Vocational Rehabilitation.
Lies - all lies. In a VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Training Module Study Plan you can get plenty of valuable information about the program. Combined with the audit and survey linked above, the majority of truths to the lies can be found. So let’s raise the curtain a bit to reveal the great Oz.
Truth – The survey states that veterans with a higher disability rating also have a higher likelihood of successfully completing their program. This includes veterans with VR&E ratings of “serious employment handicap.”
Truth – According to the training module, veterans with a 100 percent disability rating can and do use VR&E for retraining purposes to obtain jobs, if possible. Additionally, veterans with an IU are also allowed to use the program. Further, finishing the training program does not automatically result in a reduction of IU. Supposedly, it cannot be reduced for a year following employment.
Truth – There is no significant effect on program success rates when comparing veterans with families to those without families. This includes a comparison between veterans relating to spouses and veterans with children.
Truth – I used VR&E for my undergrad and now have an Individualized Written Rehabilitation Plan stating I can attend law school in the program. ‘Nuff said. VR&E will send people to graduate school, to include law school, medical school, dental school, and airline pilot training. It can also pay for starting small businesses and allocating more than $100,000 for the start-up, according to participating SBA Veteran Business Counselors working with the program.
Truth – Over 42 percent of all disabled veterans using VR&E services are employed at the time of admittance. Thirty-five percent hold jobs throughout the period of retraining. Of those, over half of them felt their current job was in line with their military and/or civilian training. So, 28,000 veterans who used VR&E for retraining were employed at the time they entered the program.
That’s the truth about the VA, according to the VA. The information is out there, but it’s not presented in a way that is readily accessible. Plus, it’s hard to pick your head up to do the research when your horns are locked with your Voc Rehab Counselor.
To the quality counselors out there, thank you for your diligent efforts to support disabled veterans in their quest for purpose and success outside of the green uniform. And to those who dish out fish stories, I for one have had it up to my eyeballs with you. There will be a day of reckoning, in this life or the next. Accountability will come for all the lives that have been hurt by the renegade behavior of some Voc Rehab Counselors. Many media outlets have begun to investigate the actions of the VA, including the actions of Voc Rehab officials. To you who do harm to vets, it’s time to be on the right side of this story.
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90% SC and I will be graduating from a pretty good school this fall. Sure, they haven’t finished paying the bill but I am still happy I got what I could (the education). What I learned from dealing with voc rehab and attending school:
You can do whatever you want in life
You can inspire others to do the same
Take nothing for granted
Look between the lines
Always second-guess
second guess the second guess
Show up in person
Use chain of command, it works in civilian sector too..
Never quit
You have given a lot of D/V some hope, it is a shame all Voc Rehab counselors are not as helpful. I am a 40% service connected and my condition is deteriating. 10 months ago Voc Rehab sent me to school to help me get some sort of desk job. I live 4 hrs away from their office so we have done a lot of the paperwork by fax, etc. as they do not want to pay travel. anyhow I recieved a phone call from my counselor telling me that my stipidend contract was only good for 1 year and had run out therefore I would not be getting any more and that to continue schooling I would have to take out a loan or something. Luckly I was able to find a little work in my old trade but it is really interfering with my schooling. Is there anything I can do to get the subsistance reinstated? I have a 4.0 average so far but this term is getting really tough.
Thanks for all you have done for fellow Veterans.
I went to Voc Rehab in hopes that I would receievs assistance to continue in my field. After immediately being told that,” you are not qualified because you work and have an education.” I started to leave…over the next proceeding hour and a half, the “counselor” found me “qualified.” He gave me his card and I was told I would have a follow-on appt. 3-months later I receieved a letter have an appt with him. My wife attended both meetings with me, and we are still asking what the point of the whole thing is/was? On my second appointment, the “counselor” sent me a website to the cerebral palsey foundation in San Diego. Evidentally, I am supposed to rent equipment from them, try it out, and report back to him at some unknown distant future place and time.
I am a college prof, served 20-years on active duty, and things like the computer, cell phone, TV, I “see” in 3-D and through bleariness. The amount of disingenuine help is a shame…You just cannot make this stuff up…To further the point; the “counselor” also told me he had no access to my records, VA disabilities…which I was supposed to send him copies of my rating and decision boards, to include marathon eye exams. When I saw my primary care provider last week, I asked her for a copy…she turned the computer screen around and pointed to the commendts the the voc rehab counselor had left on my electronic chart. He had access the entire time….absolutely pathetic…
I then tried to get educational benefits under Vocational rehabilitation only to be denied in writing because I have part-time employment (17 hours a week)
I recently called the Voc Rehab counselor and ask if I could re-apply and he stated I would have to go to my employer and asked for a letter on their stationary that states my disability is not allowing me to live up to my full potential at work and then maybe they would reconsider.
My concern: How ridiculous is that. I work for a well known international shipping company as a material handler. In other words I move boxes. It is a fast pace environment and this particular employer would not write a letter of this sort as it would place them in an uncompromising situation. They would be admitting that my employment may potentially create a safety hazard for me and my fellow employees. Although I do OK at work (no major accidents in my 1st year) as I am overly cautious, I know for a fact if I were to ask for such a letter I would become unemployed. They truly can get other employees with the current unemployment rate. They are skilled at letting people go.
I am asking for your help to rectify this concern. I did revalidate my employment status to disable veteran recently. I have time to appeal their decision.
I would like to finish my degree in Public policy Administration with an emphasis on non-profit. Any help you can recommend would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! May you continue to be successful and blessed!!!
I am in the same position as you are. I have a BA in Biology and I want to be a veterinarian. Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be a vet. However, I have super low self-esteem and self-confidence and I’ve been telling myself for the past few years (because of what I read and heard from other people about how difficult it is to get in) that I would never be accepted into vet school. Due to this fear of rejection, I began looking for alternative medical jobs and requested to use voc rehab for a physician assistant degree (masters). I was denied because they said my PTSD disabilities would hinder me from attaining my goals as a PA. Nice way to boost my already low self-esteem. If the VA thinks that of me, what would they think if I asked to go to vet school?? my goodness, they would probably laugh at me. Anyway, after reading this article and others by Ben, I think I want to pursue my dream with a career in vet medicine. It’s probably gonna be a fight, but I think I need to do this. I don’t want you to give up either. Let me know if you get any advice from anyone and I will do the same.
Good luck!
It generally takes a full month before you receive any money just so yow know.
(a) General. Rehabilitation to the point of employability may include the services needed to:
(1) Evaluate and improve the veteran’s ability to undertake training;
(2) Train the veteran to the level generally recognized as necessary for entry into employment in a suitable occupational objective. Where a particular degree, diploma, or certificate is generally necessary for entry into the occupation, e.g., an MSW for social work, the veteran shall be trained to that level.
(a) General. The goal of a vocational rehabilitation program is to:
(1) Evaluate and improve the veteran’s ability to achieve a vocational goal;
(2) Provide services needed to qualify for suitable employment;
(3) Enable the veteran to achieve maximum independence in daily living;
(4) Enable the veteran to become employed in a suitable occupation and to maintain suitable employment.
(ii) In the case of a veteran for whom achievement of a vocational goal is feasible, such needed services include assisting the veteran to become, to the maximum extent feasible, employable and to obtain and maintain suitable employment;
(2) The term also includes the monetary assistance authorized by Chapter 31 for a veteran receiving any of the services described in this paragraph.
A vocational goal is reasonably feasible when the following conditions are met: (1) Vocational goal(s) has (have) been identified; (2) The veteran’s physical and mental conditions permit training for the goal(s) to begin within a reasonable period; and (3) The veteran: (i) Possesses the necessary educational skills and background to pursue the vocational goal; or (ii) Will be provided services by the Department of Veterans Affairs to develop such necessary educational skills as part of the program. 38 C.F.R § 21.53(d) (1995).
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans:
Now,as a veteran in voc rehabilitation,allowed extra time for assignment (I never asked or needed) my schedule grew to 15 credit hrs 2labs plus work study,when ever a warm body was needed.I decided I wanted to structure my school in the day so I’d be available in the pm for work(hospital)one class I needed to change from pm to counselor told me if I had to be hand held that I needed to reschedule classes for convenience I didn’t need to be going period.
Everything I worked so hard for was SNATCHED away without concerns or compassion.
The voc rehabilitation would have paid for my Masters degree.
Just because a counselor decided he didn’t think I deserved to go to school,I was treated unfairly,I also lost my job at the hospital,I didn’t have money to finish school,I applied for any job at the VA they totally turned their backs on me.The only time I came close to being interviewed,the supervisor said he wouldn’t have a female work for him.I actually had cross training in this area in the military.I had certified PROOF but the supervisor got the job then he refused me because he didn’t like women.The VETERANS HOSPITAL itself refused every application I’ve given even when I’ve been overqualified.No matter what,a man got the job that I was more qualified for.At Hampton,rarely do white people get hired.I have proof.(My friend /I both filled out application for same job,he. Put down no experience,I filled it completely with experience he was given an interview,told him they’d work with him to upgrade skills,yet,I received notice my application had been filed.nothing. this wasn’t just gender discrimination,racial and I filed with 10pts. Preference he didn’t claim any disability. )
training, connections to the community-based support services, etc.”, as well as other skills. Seems to be a shoe-in for people with 100% rating or 100% via Individual Unemployability.
In civilian life, its called workers compensation but that that IS risk management for the DOD TOO
I spoke at a workers comp, legislative & other related hearings,, many times about the far too man injustices to injured workers, SO, I’m sending you an internet IRL for one of them., WHICH IS…/Hearing.
It is a little long, but I think , you will all find it oh so similar as to to what has been going on to injured or ill workers as what is being done to you as our vets.
When I think of the betrayal of what some in government have done, predators making money off of injured or ill folks., it’s down right maddening & inexplicably inexcusable treatment and I know that the way things work, that all of this hurting, harming & screwing out of our rightful benefits and HOW it is done, it is truly the handiwork of the DOD, all of it.
The so called docs who evaluated us(making sure WE DID NOT GET WC-RISK management benefits), were military docs. AND some of that many billions for their hard work in denying & delaying dare or benefits, went to the SWISS banks. via KPMG..
The SSA also has more records than you know? Personal, financial & Medical.
To Bruce Wallace, with the upside down pentagram/star. a new article in the Sacramento Bee today. 5/8/2015 & other news media. ‘L.A. “cops” had fake badges, cars-I was a Kamala Harris liaison. AND… but they claim to Dianne Feinstein’s office too, Her office denied any connections.
500,000 Masonic fake cops every where in our nation in 33 states & who are all in our very own law enforcement in the masons & mormons? 500,000 thousand just in fake police alone! .
Just think how many are in other professions to undermine our country to just steal from every thing and us. Treason, Sedition & and an overthrow of our own Government to support who????YEAH,we know & we got the proof via kPMG/miiltary.masons & mormons mob,. The MM &MM club. to prove the giant past current & future theft. It’s all a profit margin corporate minded model of business. How many ways can you spell kaiser or use the acronyms kmpb, tpmg, pmpm, hret? run by David Lawrence, all to just fihre our tech schemes to steal & theirs so much more.
It’s the connections to steal which go to the SWISS bank accounts. Your benefits & mine too!
I wrote a letter to the Sacramento BEE today that if they want, they can see the reams of theft by the who when where why & how! The info is so damn damaging to some in our ,legislation, talk about accountability? Where does one start? WITH legislators & dod. With kaiseer, kpmg, David Lawrence?
Kiaser/airforce/dod but not limited to, created it all& also has your records, the trail of theft, all to delay & deny anything you need as a vet and as an American.
God bless us all. We need it.
I wished I had found your website a year ago. I am a 48 year old female Disabled Veteran at 30% rating. I was working full-time but now, I’m not so I can do well in school. I applied to the Voc Rehab last year in the beginning of June. Since then, its been a constant struggle to start the voc rehab program. I’m sending and resending files and my CM is asking for a Cost Analyses that he’s not supposed to get until the packet is sent to him by the school, but they won’t until they receive the VA form, but he won’t send the form until he has the cost analyses. In our meetings he’s told me everything from, “I have to do my due diligence and not do harm by signing you up for the program only for you to fail because you’re a single mom, working full time.” Is just one example. I was also advised to start the degreed program on student loans so he could see my grades and how well I’ll do, that it will give him the, “Warm and fuzzy,” as he put it to have my application go before his manager to be approved. I have kept in touch with my CM every month since we have met, but I’m constantly told that he can’t sign me up until he has more evidence that I will succeed. I have been in school since July, I have all A’s in my class and I’m currently doubling down – as advised by him to do. I even have the paper where he highlighted for me to start doubling down with – and I have an A in one class and an A- in the other. This program is not easy, it’s a Masters level program. I am now 8 months into my program and I’m at a loss. It seems that, when I caught up with him again, when he told me to send him, again, my class schedule, he advised me that he was going to hold back until November (this would mean that I have been working with him for a 1.25 years to become approved) of this year to get approved because they normally do not approve students doubling down on their full-time classes. Then I reminded him that he was the one who suggested it so we could fit it into a two year program, instead of three. (My GI, pre-9/11 bill was found to still have one year remaining to be used. He stated that only he could reactivate it and add it to the one year that I would not be able to apply for it on my own to use. So, I had spoken to him in January, he advised me that as it stands, since he’s not accepting my now double down status, he will have me wait until November to approve my application. Additionally, he wanted three professor recommendations and proof of my A’s. I’m now starting my next quarter, he was thinking I was starting next week, I do not know how. Last Friday, he told me that he couldn’t approve me as we had discussed because he needs his tech to fix my case on the computer system because my case showed closed on his system and he stated that he doesn’t know how. That and I never received a letter, even though verbally I did ask for a letter if he should close my case (I asked in January) . He stressed that my case wasn’t closed, but in the computer it is showing closed even though he has my file. Then he requested all of the new items again, the 9 questions about the chosen career field, etc… So, I emailed them to him in addition to doing my final thesis’s and finals. We were supposed to have our meeting this morning, the following Tuesday, to sign the paperwork as he had promised, only for him to call me on my cell to tell me to go back home because the tech that is supposed to enter me on the computer called in sick. He postponed our meeting to, tomorrow (Wednesday), after they have a whole new gang of applicants. I’m being told by everyone, including my counselor, for months to file a complaint against my CM for acting unethical. What good is that going to do? Additionally, I’ve been told now by my school counselor who has other students with “good”, case managers who she is told are amazing. That she has never been asked for so much from a CM ever. She instructed me to run and get a new CM immediately because it sounds as if he has closed my application without telling me and he is trying to use the tech to fix what he has done. Additionally, she told me that if my case is closed on the computer, it is closed. It also seems that whenever I speak to this CM, it’s like he’s always trying to get me to react to the things that he says or does.
Another time when I was in his office, he would open then close his door during our meetings. When the door was shut, he would talk softly, when it was open, he would talk loudly. Things like that are just things I’ve noticed.
If I file a claim like others are pressuring me to do, can I lose everything? Will I have retaliation or have my case closed and sealed shut so I can never apply again? I do not know what to do. Every time he does this, I stress out and it’s hard to refocus back on my schooling and I am in finals! I’m debating on calling to speak to his supervisor tomorrow to request a change in CM, if I can. I mean, if it’s showing closed on the computer system how hard can it be? Is that the right thing to do? Or meet him at 2pm and just suck this behavior up? Hope he finally gets to it. Help!
In the meeting he said in front of my mother that, I only had to meet physically with him once a year and we could stay in contact via telephone and emails up to then. When he called the next morning, I had my boyfriend with me, and he said for me not to file for the job yet with work study until things go through. However, I had just spoken with the school counselor and things had already gone through. Additionally, he made the comment, “I’ll see you in two months.” I quickly asked him, but I thought we were only going to be communicating via telephone? He bounced back and forth on that. There is more detail to this, but I’m not comfortable already exposing more on here, no offense to anyone. However, keep at it.
There is one person on here that posted that they had all of their things together before going into the office and they walked out with the grant. I did too. However, I’m not sure if it was my counselor or not, but I have had to fight for this grant. He also reneged on my Chapter 31. Did you know that they could bring back your timed out Chapter 30? According to the GI bill, your kids should be able to use your GI bill and whatever is left over. This timed out thing is not right if the previous statement is true. He originally promised that he could grandfather my last year of my GI Bill in, now he wont. Additionally, He admitted to closing my previous application from 8 months ago. after telling me on the phone that he didn’t know how it got closed. His technician said that my claim was in extended status and thus it needed to be closed. But in the orientation it says that you have a year before they automatically close it. What really happened is, he realized he would have to back pay me from July, when I started my program. They do not want to. Considering that this is for us, they are horrible in controlling us. However, in the grand scheme of things, what they will pay, is better than nothing. I have also learned, take out student loans. If they do pay you, you can get from your disbursement whatever the program gives and pay it back to your student loans while your in school so that you are still able to go to school. Most private colleges, and public, will help you get student loans to cover all costs. I had to do that to prove to him that I was serious about the program. He also told me to stop my student loans because I belonged to the military again and they will take care of me. I spoke with the counselor, that isn’t a good idea for two reasons: 1) They will for any reason, cancel your grant. Then you are stuck with no money or schooling. AND, when the VA grant comes through, it always comes late thus you will not be registered on time and you might miss out on a class and then you would be in violation of the lesson plan that you are agreeing to, thus you can get dropped. 2) It gives them a control over you that you do not want to be under. As my boyfriend put it, some counselor’s enjoy having this power over you. In behavioral health it’s called, transference. Normally, it’s the client transferring to you and then if you respond, then you are doing a counter-transference. This is unethical for anyone in that place of power to do that. In other employments it’s called, the Florence Nightingale Syndrome. Freud even refers to this because it is found to be very prevalent in behavioral health, this includes social workers and counselors. I.E., what we are all having issues with from the VA.
I’ve made it to step one, even though he started me over as if I was a new applicant. This year of mind games and dishonesty is not ethical! Now, every two months, I have to communicate with him and I will spam his email along with phone calls along with documenting them. It is about control. But never let them know how much they control you.
If push comes to shove, it is better to take out student loans than to continue this hostile environment. If it gets too much. Don’t let them take your joy and remember, students loans can be paid back when your earning the kind of money you will be once you get your masters. Also, keep in mind, as a SW, you will be able to test for your license right away and work. I still have to work at a lower salary as an apprentice, then in two years after earning my degree, I can take the state exam to be licensed.. Then I can afford to get my Ph.D. and earn even more, while helping others.
I remember a patient advocate up in the Sacramento area being very proactive like yourself. However, she was new. I got burned during one of my female visits, they tried to cover it up. Then when I brought the PA in with me to talk to the doctor, he then spoke to her privately. I don’t know what was said. However, what I do know, she closed my case immediately and then stopped helping me. They got to her. I then called every Admin law attorney in the area for help, they all said that they would not go up against the VA. It wasn’t that I didn’t have a strong case, I did and was told so. However, because it was only a burn, not a dismemberment, it wasn’t worth their effort considering the giant they would be up against. So, to help IN the system, you can’t be apart OF the system. In other words, you can’t work IN the VA or any system that they are attached to, to help Veterans. Good luck and God Bless.
I was taking Chemistry 298 (Analytical Chemistry) and struggling (a common theme), I was passing, but had a D. My Voc Rehab Counselor told me to go to the VA for help. I went to the VA for help with Memory, Attention, Concentration, etc. I went to the walk in clinic, they said they would refer me to see a Neurologist. I got the appointment card in the mail for an appointment in November, and it is March now. I need help right now, not next year. I finally saw the neurologist, and he questioned whether I was intelligent enough to be in college and referred me to have my IQ tested. I’m taking Chemistry 298, what a bozo. I took the IQ test about 6 months after I saw the neurologist, I scored 124, and I never heard back from the Neurologist. If I scored 88, he would have called me right away to inform me that I was too dumb to go to college. I wasted over a year waiting on the VA, and nothing came of it.
I moved to Tampa, FL in 2009 and enrolled at the James Haley VA hospital. I was referred to their Polytrauma TBI Rehab unit when I told them I had a TBI. I spent 8 months in the program, going 3 to 5 days a week for 20+ hours. They referred me to Voc Rehab at the BAY PINES VA for help in attaining a job. I was turned away because I got my BA through Voc Rehab, and I signed a paper saying that I was rehabilitated. I wasn’t sure what I’ve really signed at the VA. I thought the VA was supposed to help me, not screw me, how naïve I was.
Get through my pre- reqs for my masters ..,,,But I have been through so much with my counselor this year and having to pay out of my own pocket it just seems ridiculous……. I need help? I am tired of having to justify and getting my expenses paid after I have already been approved!!! I need help please!!!:( I have no other options anymore….
11:32 AM (7 minutes ago)
(Here is my reply, copy/pasted verbatim)
I’m not sure what an IWRP is? I’m new to the program, and have not received anything. I could use any type of assistance. I’m two-three weeks into a job, and I’m headed to a doctor tomorrow because I’m not physically able to keep up with the work demands. What are my options? Can I go back to school even though I already have an MBA? I had a mild-stroke in Dec. 2015, and it’s been a struggle to maintain my health since then. I’m at a loss for what to do.
‘m also very concerned that no one would hire a 50 year old who hasn’t worked in a while. My benefits may not last forever and always looking for a backup plan, plus want to at least to go out there and be somewhat successful. Any feedback with be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Any feedback for Kevin’s reply? Thanks.