Welcome to the Registered Apprenticeship Community of Practice

The 21st Century Registered Apprenticeship Community of Practice is an online resource for stakeholders from throughout the Registered Apprenticeship system and its partners to share information and learn from your peers regarding the innovative strategies and partnerships being used to train U.S. workers. Registered Apprenticeship is a key component of our nation’s efforts to prepare American workers for successful, sustainable careers. This Community of Practice covers all things Registered Apprenticeship in industries ranging from the traditional, such as Construction and Manufacturing, to non-traditional industries using the “earn while you learn” model to train workers, including Healthcare, Renewable Energy, Transportation, and other growing industries.

This online community is dedicated to 21st Century Registered Apprenticeship and its members and partners sharing one goal — developing and maintaining a strong training model for all industries in need of skilled workers and for all workers and job seekers needing a leg up to a better life and long-term career.

This Community of Practice offers an easy way to find Apprenticeship resources, to speak to your peers nationwide, to access relevant training to support your efforts, and to stay engaged in the Apprenticeship community. Our success is dependent on you. To reach our goal, we need all Registered Apprenticeship stakeholders to join in the discussion and make it your community. Here you will find all kinds of information on Registered Apprenticeship including—but not limited to:
⦁    How to partner with the One-Stop System, Education and other Partners

⦁    Registered Apprenticeship 101 and WIA 101
⦁    Pre-Apprenticeships
⦁    New Models for Serving Targeted Populations (Veterans, Dislocated Workers, Youth, etc.
⦁    News on Registered Apprenticeship here in the US and abroad
⦁    Blogs and Discussions on hot topics
⦁    Information for and about apprentices, sponsors, the workforce system, education partners and others
⦁    Pathways To Success tool for information on State-by-State Apprenticeship Opportunities

We hope you make this your go-to resource to share information and learn from your peers on all things Registered Apprenticeship. We will continue to find ways to make it a valuable resource for you and hope to make it a robust site that helps build a Registered Apprenticeship community that has something to offer for all of our stakeholders.

How do I get started? Contact me email, providing accurate contact information, best time to reach you, etc.


Great question. We recommend starting on our Homepage where you will find access to regularly updated blogs, videos, recent Registered Apprenticeship “In the News” items and much more. If you are looking for something specific, try our Resources Page, where you can search by keyword, by resource Topic, or by resource Type.

Thanks for joining us in our efforts to use Registered Apprenticeship as one of the premier ways to ensure that American workers remain the best trained and most highly skilled workforce in the world.

About Registered Apprenticeship
These are tough economic times but there's never been a more exciting time for Registered Apprenticeship, the public workforce system, education and other partners to collaborate to get more Americans re-skilled and ready to compete for good-paying jobs as our nation recovers and puts people back to work.

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This community of practice is a work in progress. To reach our goal, we need all Registered Apprenticeship stakeholders to join in and make it your community.

Get Involved
Comment on a blog, become a guest blogger, or share related documents. There are many ways to contribute and help grow your community. Get started now!


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