Veteran Employment/Training/Support

Eric Wright is a Military Veteran; Co-founder of Vets2PM; an experienced, credentialed project manager/mentor; and an entertaining instructor/public speaker on project management, PMI’s PMP and CAPM exams, and on project manager development. He helps Military Veterans become Project Managers through inspiration, training, preparation, and presentation to the PM hiring community.

Veteran unemployment remains high while millions of project management positions go unfilled each year, even though a majority of Veterans have project management experience and skills.
This creates less spending in the economy, an unemployment bill of $1B for the Pentagon, and a large population of unemployed/underemployed Veterans struggling with feelings of isolation and low self-esteem. This is unsustainable and unnecessary!

At, we use our proven 4-step process to Inspire Veterans about project management, Train them for it, Prepare them for it, and then Present them to employers that realize their value as Project Managers and hire them as such. It's good for our Veterans and our Nation!

For every Veteran we place into a project management position, we generate a $46,000 spending increase in the economy, reduce the Pentagon’s unemployment bill by $4,000, and help Veterans find "meaningful" careers, something 80% of them say they need. Multiply these figures by 200,000 or so Veterans a year, and we change the game!

Veterans, please visit today to schedule your complimentary assessment regarding whether project management is a good post-Service fit you, find out how we translate your military experience and skills into project management experience and skills, and discuss how we prepare you to be a successful project manager.

Veteran Employment/Training/Support Organizations/Folks, let us help you accomplish your mission by training your Veteran clients for employment in a high-paying, high-growth, meaningful career.

Hiring Organizations, let us help you meet your strategic Veteran hiring objectives by sourcing your Veteran Project Managers from us.

The Case for Project Management Training for Entrepreneurs
Nov 6, 2015

Entrepreneurs create value out of nothing. They do so by identifying gaps in customer expectations, needs, or wants, and then developing solutions, goods or services to meet those needs. This means they must be able manage customer expectations.

Additionally, they also have to acquire a myriad of resources, and then make decisions about how to allocate them. This means they have to be able to manage stakeholder relationships and expectations.
Furthermore, they have to acquire and develop high-performing teams to help them pull all of this off. This means they have to be able to influence and lead these team members, vendors, and strategic partners.

In short, entrepreneurs are able to create value out of nothing through leadership, influence, and decision-making.

This is also what project managers do!  The primary difference in executing the role of entrepreneur and project manager is that project managers create value using leadership, influence, and decision-making in a standardized, methodical way.  They use a standardized process, with proven tools and processes, best practices, and substantial business and critical analysis.

In doing so, their chances of success go up significantly and stakeholders learn they can develop some consistency of expectations on returns and deliverables.  This may one of the reasons more and more Venture Capitalists are asking founders about the project management talent/capability on their startup management team.

It follows then that today’s thinking and press about, and education and training entrepreneurship should include formal training on the fundamentals of project management.

With that thesis stated, we have accomplished the objective of this article: introduce this notion into the conversation explicitly.

The primary implications then are that 1. Entrepreneurs should include formal project management in their professional development plans, and that 2. Entrepreneurship education and training programs should include formal project management fundamentals training components in their curricula.

The customers you’ll consistently create value for will be grateful.

‘Share’ this post liberally if you are a Project Manager, an Entrepreneur, a Veteran, a Veteran Employment/Retraining Organization or Recruiter, or if you found it helpful. Additionally, please email any questions or inquiries to me at I'm here to help, and I thank you! Warmest regards, Eric.


Eric Wright is a Military Veteran; Co-founder of Vets2PM; an experienced, credentialed project manager/mentor; and an entertaining instructor/public speaker on project management, PMI’s PMP and CAPM exams, and on project manager development. He helps Military Veterans become Project Managers through inspiration, training, preparation, and presentation to the PM hiring community.


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