'Lack Of Respect': Florida VA Staff Leave A Veteran...

Military-Civilian: Hot Jobs, Events, and Helpful Information for Veterans Seeking Civilian Careers: 'Lack Of Respect': Florida VA Staff Leave A Vetera...

 Military Network day ago - Shared publicly This is great read, good information and its nice to see where a difference is being made on behalf if the veterans in need. There are a lot of veterans groups making a difference in their own way, but as is stressed, the veteran has been and will continue to be a 'number' at the VA. The veteran population knows this, the government knows this, not only is the VA aware, most do not care; the organization that should be there for the veteran, have his / her back. TheVA. By the Government looking the other way, the VA's turning away from the veteran, saves money. I do not think our Gov.'t 'cares' about the veteran, how can it. We are not referring to a living breathing entity. Yes, when the towers came down, the whole world could hear us. And who did we go after and why? The world should hear us, as we take our jobs back, manufacturing jobs, making companies strong again, empower the people, beginning with the veterans. Having the veterans back for once. Ironic, that the veteran accomplishes the political agenda and we lose a lot of blood doing so, yet the first to be rejected and treated as described in this article, is the veteran by the VA. Thank you for posting Lucy!! What do you not excel at? O:) RW


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