The O'Reilly Factor 11/3/16 | O'Reilly: 'There Should Be Grave Concern i...

Published on Nov 3, 2016
The O'Reilly Factor 11/3/16 | O'Reilly: 'There Should Be Grave Concern in the Clinton Camp'

Hillary Clinton thought she had the election all locked up, but the Democratic nominee should actually be feeling "grave concern," according to Bill O'Reilly.

In his Talking Points Memo tonight, O'Reilly suggested that the "tipping point" may have been reached, and ordinary Americans are becoming more and more disenchanted with Clinton.

He noted that there are lingering ethical questions about her - highlighted by the revelation that the FBI has two active investigations related to her use of a private email server and the Clinton Foundation.

"The controversies are seemingly endless," O'Reilly stated.

He added that Clinton has had very little face time with the American people in recent weeks, since she's shied away from the press.

"The Factor" host pointed out that she hasn't done a national television interview with a journalist since September 12, arguing that she's "hiding."

He said that all of these issues are playing into her declining poll numbers, with the election just days away.


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