"in the end, we will win. I can tell our enemies ... they can take it to the bank."

The Army News Service posted the following stories for 05 October 2016:


-- Army needs innovative ideas, says under secretary (VERGUN)

-- http://www.army.mil/article/176284/g176284

-- Soldiers, as well as Department of the Army civilians, have a lot of

innovative ideas that can save money and improve readiness. Now is the right

time to share them with Army leaders, said Under Secretary of the Army

Patrick J. Murphy.


-- Milley: Army on cusp of profound, fundamental changes to ground combat


-- http://www.army.mil/article/176231/g176231

-- The future of the Army may not involve divisions, corps, tanks or Bradley

fighting vehicles, said the Army's chief of staff. And that future isn't 100

years away, or even 50. It will happen in only 25 to 30 years.


-- Long-term rotational units, other efforts to boost Army in Europe


-- http://www.army.mil/article/176260/g176260

-- Rotational forces, including heavy armored and aviation brigades, in

addition to the storage of massive amounts of equipment at strategic sites,

will be a big emphasis next year to help America and its European allies

keep Russia at bay, according to the general who oversees the U.S. Armys

mission in Europe.


-- IPPS-A key to ferreting out untapped Soldier talent (LOPEZ)

-- http://www.army.mil/article/176296/g176296

-- There's a lot of untapped talent in the Army, especially among Soldiers

who serve in the reserve components, but that's going to change, according

to the Army's senior personnel officer.


-- Army leaders announce reviews of family program cuts, child care


-- http://www.army.mil/article/176302/g176302

-- The Army's top leaders announced today that they're pausing expected cuts

to Family, Morale Welfare and Recreation programs -- and Army Community

Services -- pending a holistic review.


-- Hurricane Matthew testing Armys emergency response (KIMMONS)

-- http://www.army.mil/article/176303/g176303

-- As Hurricane Matthew churns toward the East Coast, Soldiers and civil

emergency response teams are bracing to carry out large-scale disaster

relief if needed.




Soldiers Broadcasting released the following products for 05 October 2016:


-- MI8143 - Soldiers Journal: Adaptive Warriors

The Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group implemented Adaptive Soldier Leader

Training and Education, or ASLTE, into the 2016 Best Warrior Competition.


-- https://www.dvidshub.net/video/486154/soldiers-journal-adaptive-warriors


-- SRN100516A - Commander of US Army Europe speaks at the Association of the

United States Army Convention in Washington DC about the value of the US

Army's participation in training exercises across Europe (Radio/PHILLIPS)

-- https://www.dvidshub.net/audio/45170/soldiers-radio-news


-- SRN100516B - Sergeant Major of the Army Daniel Dailey speaks at the

Association of the United States Army Convention and Soldiers train on High

Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems on Joint Base Lewis-McChord.


-- https://www.dvidshub.net/audio/45173/soldiers-radio-news




The full text from Army News Service stories follows:


Army needs innovative ideas, says under secretary


By David Vergun


WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- Soldiers, as well as Department of the

Army civilians, have a lot of innovative ideas that can save money and

improve readiness. Now is the right time to share them with Army leaders,

said Under Secretary of the Army Patrick J. Murphy.


Murphy, who is also the Army's chief management officer, or CMO, was the

keynote speaker during the Department of the Army Civilian Luncheon, at the

Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Oct. 5.


On Oct. 3, the Office of Business Transformation rolled out a new Army tool

that enables the Army community to share ideas for innovation, Murphy said.


It is called the Army Ideas for Innovation tool, or AI2, he said. AI2 is a

common-access-card-enabled platform that allows Soldiers and DA civilians to

submit ideas to the Office of Business Transformation on how the Army can

become more efficient or effective.


"You all have decades of experience. About 45 percent of DA civilians are

military veterans, many of them Soldiers For Life. With your experience come

insights, and I need those insights," he appealed. "The more efficient and

effective we can be, the better we can support Soldiers.


"Many of your ideas will make it directly to me, because as the CMO, I care

about what my teammates are seeing each day as they get after it, and how we

can become better as a team," he continued.


He added that it's everyone's duty to make the Army "better than when we

found it."




Besides innovative solutions, another way Soldiers and DA civilians can make

the Army and nation better is to tell the Army story to those who haven't

served, Murphy said. Even DA civilians who are not themselves veterans have

an important role in telling the Army story.


Some 90 percent of young people get their news on social media. That's a

perfect venue for telling the story, he said, pointing out that he tries to

tell the Army story on his Facebook site.


The story to tell, he said, is the good work Army employees are doing every

day. The story is also about Soldiers are doing every day, from deterring

Russian aggression and fighting the Islamic State to protecting the home

front during natural disasters that take place almost every year.


"When the president or a governor dials 911, the Army answers the call," he

said. "Our Nation hands us the toughest issues because they know we will get

after it and accomplish the mission. We're able to do this because we are a

varsity team of Soldiers and civilians."




Soldiers and DA civilians "lead a purpose-driven life" every day, Murphy

said. At every step of readiness generation, DA civilians are there,

integral members of the Army team.


DA civilians are leading the way in ensuring Soldiers will continue to

maintain a tactical and technical advantage over the enemy, he pointed out.

"We are one team, and civilians are our backbone."




Murphy encouraged everyone who can, to attend the Army Ten-Miler, Oct. 9, at

and near the Pentagon. He said he intends to be there and give Sgt. Maj. of

the Army Daniel A. Dailey and Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Daniel B.

Allyn a run for their money. Murphy said he told them jokingly to "look at

my face because next time you see me, you'll be looking at my back."


The Army Ten-Miler and other events like this inspire esprit de corps within

the Army and "make us feel like one family," he added.


(Editor's note: to sign up for ARNEWS email subscription, visit:






Milley: Army on cusp of profound, fundamental changes to ground combat


By C. Todd Lopez


WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- The future of the Army may not involve

divisions, corps, tanks or Bradley fighting vehicles, said the Army's chief

of staff. And that future isn't 100 years away, or even 50. It's only about

25 to 30 years away.


Milley spoke Oct. 4 at the 2016 Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting

and Exposition's Eisenhower Luncheon. The future he laid out for the Army is

substantially different than what Soldiers know now, and not just in what

the force looks like, but in how it fights and where it fights.


"I suspect that the organizations and weapons and doctrines of land armies,

between 2025 and 2050, in that quarter-century period of time, will be

fundamentally different than what we see today," he said.


He cited the scenario of a Civil War combat Soldier attempting to visualize

a World War II or Vietnam Soldier as the kind of appropriate comparison for

what Soldiers of today should expect in the way of change over the next two



While the evolution of soldiering from the Civil War era to Vietnam took

about 100 years, Milley said it won't take a century for that caliber of

change in combat to happen again. It'll happen in the next 20 to 30 years.

Combat will change just as dramatically -- but now it will change in the

amount of time it takes a second lieutenant who commissions next spring to

become a general.


"Rapid change has become increasingly compressed," he said. "Those of us

today will find it difficult to recognize the battlefield of 2035, let alone



Future conflict will still be driven in the same way conflict comes about

today: nation states will fight to protect their interests, he said.

Conflict can be over territory or resources, for instance. But how war is

fought will change dramatically. The weapons will change. And it'll be

different than what the Army trains for now, and what it trains leadership

for now as well.


For starters, he said mission command will likely change from the very

centralized structure used now, to something very decentralized. It will be

one of the toughest challenges the Army will face in the next 25 years.


"Crisis will unfold rapidly, compressing decision cycles and response

times," he said. "Ambiguous actors, intense information wars, and

cutting-edge technology will confuse situational understanding."


That overload of information, he said, will only happen if the technology

works, if the communications systems work. But Soldiers of the future, he

said, should just expect that all their communications, including those to

their higher headquarters, will be contested -- and will probably fail. They

should expect to work without them, he said.


We'll "operate routinely in partially or significantly degraded

environment," he said. "That means we must invest in hardening our systems

and equally important, train on the techniques of operating with limited

electronics. That'll be a shocker for all of us. We may have to read a paper

map again, and learn to use a magnetic compass."


But more significantly, when electronics fail, Soldiers will operate without

communication with their higher headquarters. A day earlier, at a press

conference, he suggested that lack of contact might continue for days,

weeks, or months at a time, and that Soldiers might need to operate knowing

only the overarching strategic goal of their higher level of command.


That'll mean small units will need to execute the intent of their commander,

he said "without ever having actual contact with our higher headquarters for

extended periods of time ... this method will have to become a reality in

everything we do."


Operating in that environment, without supervision, he said, will require a

new kind of leader.


"The willingness to disobey specific orders to achieve the intended purpose,

the willingness to take risk to meet the intent, the acceptance of failure

and practice in order to learn from experimentation: these are all going to

have to be elevated in the pantheon of leader traits," Milley said.


The environment those Solders will operate in, he said, will be "highly

lethal," and "unlike anything our Army has experienced, at least since World

War II."


Milley drew attention to the proliferation of technology and its decreasing

cost, which makes it possible to connect everything -- and to put sensors



"It has become cheap, to the point where there are way more

[Internet-connected] communication devices than there are people ... no

matter where you go in the world today, it's observable from some device,"

he said.


With sensors everywhere, he said, for Soldiers in the future, "the

probability of being seen is very high. And as always, if you can be seen,

you will be hit, and you will be hit fast."


He said formations will need to be small, on the move constantly, and will

have to "employ every known technique of cover and concealment."


That also means the end to what Soldiers know from Iraq or Afghanistan.

There won't be a place for something like Victory Base Complex in Baghdad,

or an installation like Bagram, he said. "That fact requires a significant

change in our current methods of thinking, training and fighting."


The warfighting environment for Soldiers, he said, "will be extremely

austere. Water, chow, ammo, fuel, maintenance and medical support will be

all that we should plan for."


What Soldiers will no longer be able to count on: Fast food, showers, and

comfort items.


"Being surrounded will become the norm, the routine, the life of a unit in

combat," he said. "In short, learning to be comfortable with being seriously

miserable, every single minute of every single day, will have to become a

way of life for an Army on the battlefield that I see coming."


Even the meager resupply will be different. Soldiers might be, in some

cases, expected to produce water for themselves, Milley said. And even find

replacement parts for their gear through 3D printing, he said. And if lines

of communication open, then a robotic supply convoy might be what happens as

"that will be the only acceptable risk method of supply that we can get to

forward troops."


Milley also said the battlefield of the future will be non-linear and have

significant geographic dispersion between friendly forces.


"This type of battlefield will place a very high premium on independent,

relatively small formations that are highly lethal, and linked to very

long-range precision fires," he said. "Our formations will come under enemy

fixed-wing, rotary-wing, UAV and missile attack on a routine basis."


Ground forces will no longer be able to depend on dominance of the air

provided by another service, but instead, "our units are going to have to be

combined arms, multi-domain capable. We will still have to fight and destroy

land-based enemy units and seize terrain, but the Army ... we're going to

sink ships. And we're definitely going to have to dominate the airspace

above our units from hostile air or missile attack. This is going to require

sophisticated air defense capabilities that are not currently in our unit



And there will be somewhat of a role reversal as well, he said. Land-based

forces will need to penetrate denied areas to help out air and naval forces,

which is "the exact opposite of what we have done for the past 70 years,

where air and naval forces have enabled ground forces."


Will the Army be able to achieve the changes Milley predicts? He thinks so.


"We're the United States Army," he said. "And our enemies need to know these

colors don't run from tough fights. We will adapt and we will evolve our

current force. But in the end, we will win. That much I can tell our enemies

... they can take it to the bank."




Long-term rotational units, other efforts to boost Army in Europe


By Sean Kimmons


WASHINGTON (Army News Service) - Rotational forces, including heavy armored

and aviation brigades, in addition to the storage of massive amounts of

equipment at strategic sites, will be a big emphasis next year to help

America and its European allies keep Russia at bay, according to the general

who oversees the U.S. Army's mission in Europe.


"This is all about deterrence," said Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of U.S

Army Europe, during the Association of U.S. Army's annual meeting and

exposition Oct. 3.


"To deter, you have to have real capability and demonstrate the will to use

that capability," he said. "And part of that will is demonstrated by the

money that the Army is spending and bringing over rotational forces to help

us do our job."


With signals of a recent shift in strategy from assurance to deterrence to

stem Russian aggression, the Army plans to send the 3rd Armored Brigade

Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, to Europe in mid-January for a

nine-month rotation, while the 10th Mountain Division's Combat Aviation

Brigade is also expected to head over in March to bolster the Army's



The administration has proposed to fund the European Reassurance Initiative

$3.4 billion in fiscal year 2017, most of which will be earmarked for Army

operations to reassure allies.


"If you don't have budget certainty, it makes it very difficult to plan and

participate," Hodges said.


Preparing for the worst, the Army will also look into stockpiling static

equipment in Germany, Netherlands and Belgium over the next three-plus years

to have a contingency to equip Soldiers responding to a crisis.


"It's going to go into storage," Hodges said of the equipment, being left by

other rotational units. "We're going to have all that equipment stored in

those places."


Due to the outcome of July's NATO summit in Warsaw, Poland, the Army will

also have an enhanced forward presence as part of a multinational effort to

strengthen the defenses of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. About 800

cavalrymen from 2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment out of Vilseck, Germany,

will move into northeast Poland early next year for six months before being

replaced by the regiment's 3rd Squadron for another six-month rotation,

according to the general.


"All of those forces are intended to be able to slow down or stop a

potential (Russian) incursion," Hodges said.


Hodges said that all of the moving pieces, along with support from allies

expected next year, will bring a holistic approach to curbing Russian

aggression, which has already crossed boundaries with armed invasions of

Ukraine, Crimea and Georgia. Setting up rapid capabilities for the Army may

prevent more of these conflicts in the future, he said.


"Russia isn't going to allow us to have a bunch of tanks on the border,"

Hodges said. "How fast can we move forces somewhere to preempt a crisis from

happening and to demonstrate that we are prepared?


"We're working hard to re-establish the necessary level of capability to

ensure deterrence," he continued. "We haven't lost it, but we are having to

rebuild some of that to make it more relevant."


With only about 30,000 Soldiers in Europe to counter Russia's actions today

compared to roughly 300,000 against the Soviet Union in the Cold War days,

Hodges said that the additions next year will allow his region to be more



"That's how we make 30,000 look like 300,000," he said. "We are an economy

of force, but the Army is going to spend a ton of money helping us get that

capability back over in Europe."




IPPS-A key to ferreting out untapped Soldier talent


By C. Todd Lopez


WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- There's a lot of untapped talent in the

Army, especially among Soldiers who serve in the reserve components, but

that's going to change, according to the Army's senior personnel officer.


Most Citizen-Soldiers put on their uniforms at least two days a month, but

they still spend most of their time in civilian clothes doing jobs that

require skills and talents the Army hasn't really ever paid much attention

to, said Lt. Gen. James C. McConville, the Army's deputy chief of staff,



That will change with full deployment of new personnel software, called the

Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army. IPPS-A will provide a huge range

of human resources and pay capabilities for the regular Army, the Army

National Guard and the Army Reserve, McConville said.


One of the capabilities IPPS-A will provide Army leadership is the ability

to track talent inside the force, across all three components of the Army.

It will track the skills and talents and capabilities that individual

Soldiers might have, outside their regular Army job.


"It'll be the first time in the history of the Army that we have all three

components, the active, the Guard and the Reserve on one system," McConville

said. "That's a huge deal. Right now as the G-1 of the Army, I can't screen

for the talent I have in the Guard and Reserve."


At the 2016 Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and

Exposition, leaders said IPPS-A will replace 45 existing systems that

currently do things independently of each other.


McConville relayed a scenario from about eight years ago, back when he was

serving as deputy commanding general (support), 101st Airborne Division (Air

Assault), and Combined Joint Task Force-101, Operation Enduring Freedom, in



Then, he said, there was a surge, and "we needed a lot of skill sets that

would help us build up Afghanistan."


There were Reserve and Guard forces there, he said, and those Soldiers were

asked to provide information about talents and skills they used during their

civilian jobs.


"Basically what we found out, the Army is managing this person a as a supply

sergeant, but they might have been running a construction company," back

home, McConville said. "Or they were an S-3, or a captain or a major in

infantry, but we found out this person was the head of the Texas Highway



In the reserve components, the Army has an array of talents, right at its

fingertips, he said. But until now there's been no way to document that

talent, or to identify who has it, so the Army could make use of it. The

Army's Talent Management Task Force will use IPSSA-A as a way to document

those talents and exploit them where needed, he said.


"We mange people in the Army basically by two variables: what is your rank

and what is your occupational specialty," McConville said. "We don't know

enough about them. We truly don't know what their knowledge, skills and

abilities are. Now we have a million folks that we can tap into and get them

on the field in the right position, in the right place at the right time."


Now, McConville said, the Army will be able to use IPPS-A to define Soldiers

by as many as 25 variables, for instance, instead of just rank and

specialty, and that will provide much more detail on what a Soldier can do

beyond what the Army currently thinks might be the capability. That will

help the Army put the best people into the jobs it needs to fill, he said.


"We're going to be able to screen their name for their cognitive and

non-cognitive skill sets. So if we're hiring somebody, and need somebody who

is a very good writer or good speaker, we'll know that. And if we want

somebody that can work with the interagency, we'll know that ... or they

speak this language, or have this type of skill set.


Maj. Gen. Wilson A. Shoffner, director of the Army Talent Management Task

Force, said IPPS-A will provide "talent matching" for Army jobs.


"There are some social apps out there that do that," already he said. "But

this is on a very large scale, almost 1.1 million people. It's an

information technology system that will allow us to see the talents that are

out there, to forecast the requirements of the jobs we need done, and those

jobs may have to do with a deployment or upcoming operation, and then make

that automated match, so the individual can see it, the assignment officer

can see it, and leaders and officers can see it.


"The best way to think of it is an open market place for allowing units,

allowing individuals to compete for talent, and to allow individuals to tell

us what they want, and to be able to see the jobs that are out there in the



Because IPPS-A works across all three components, it'll allow the Army to

dip into the total force for talent, Shoffner said. That's something it

couldn't do before, and something it will benefit greatly from when IPPS-A

comes fully online.


"It's going to be a game-changer once we get the system in place," he said.


This winter, Shoffner said, a "bridge" to IPPS-A called the "assignment

interactive module" will be piloted with students from the Command and

General Staff College.


"We're going to use our normal distribution cycles, our normal assignment

cycles, to take a look at that population -- it's about 900 officers -- and

that'll be our first stab or attempt at trying to get this right," he said.


The Army should have an automated talent management capability established

by late next summer, he said.




Army leaders announce reviews of family program cuts, child care


By Elizabeth M. Collins, Soldiers


WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- The Army's top leaders announced today

that they're pausing expected cuts to Family, Morale Welfare and Recreation

programs -- and Army Community Services -- pending a holistic review.


Secretary of the Army Eric K. Fanning gave the news to a group of spouses at

the third Family Forum of the Association of the United States Army's Annual

Meeting and Exposition Oct. 5. He and Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Mark

A. Milley, together with other leaders, will take time to review the

proposed cuts to ensure the needs of the Army, Soldiers and families are

being met, Fanning said.


"We wanted to get your input on it and make sure we're in sync with the

Department of Defense, the secretary of Defense and Congressional intent,"

Fanning said. "There are a couple of issues baked into that. The first is

how much we spend and … a review of that. The second is giving

garrison commanders some flexibility in how they spend those funds. It's

generally our intent to give commanders flexibility wherever we can and

authority to make decisions on a more local level."


The needs of families overseas or at an isolated post like Fort Irwin,

California -- which is in the middle of the Mojave Desert and hosts the

National Training Center -- are quite different than, say Colorado Springs,

Colorado, which has many local amenities, pointed out Sgt. Maj. of the Army

Daniel Dailey.


In fact, he said, "it would be irresponsible for me … to say what's

right for family members at the National Training Center or in Colorado

Springs or in the great place of Fort Hood, Texas. I think that the families

and the senior mission commanders and the garrison commanders are the ones

that have to do that."


"We do absolutely take into consideration the locations, the geographic

locations of a given installation and what services are available in the

local communities, how isolated a given post or station is, and what the

needs are based on the input the local camp, station, fort, sergeant major

or senior commander provides," agreed Milley. "So, Irwin, austere

environment, great post, but most of the services at Irwin have to be on

Irwin. You can't access or do outreach to a local community."


Army leaders want to get those decisions right, he continued, saying that he

believes caring for families is crucial for readiness. A Soldier can't

deploy and fulfill his mission well if he's also worried about his family at



A huge part of taking care of families is child care, which Fanning said

he's asked about more than anything else. He's ordered a review of that as

well, and expects a report this month. While the Army already offers

high-quality, reliable child care, he admits it can do better. Soldiers and

their families often need extended child care hours to complete their

missions, for example.


The plan is to give "commanders flexibility to extend them further in

response to whatever needs the garrison might have," Fanning said. "We've

piloted those in a couple of places this year, but have full funding from

the Office of the Secretary of Defense going forward. I hear you that this

is an important concern. We're committed to making sure that you have access

to good, quality child care."


As one audience member in the forum pointed out, Guard and Reserve Soldiers

often need child care during their drill weekends and training missions as



The Army is working on that, said Dailey, but there won't be an easy



It's "very difficult," he explained, "if you can understand the complexity

of hometown America and how dispersed these Guard and Reserve forces are.

You can't send them around necessarily to Guard and Reserve centers either,

because Soldiers are further dispersed," although the Guard and Reserve do

have about 400 community centers that support them that might be a



"I think it's a unique situation and a unique solution for each community we

work in," Dailey continued, "and we're going to rely heavily on the

leadership within the Guard and Reserve to find that solution."


(Editor's note: During Monday's family form, Army Community Services

demonstrated a new, online, one-stop-shop for requesting child care:





Hurricane Matthew testing Army's emergency response


By Sean Kimmons


WASHINGTON (Army News Service) -- As Hurricane Matthew churns toward the

East Coast, Soldiers and civil emergency response teams are bracing to carry

out large-scale disaster relief if needed.


It's more complex, though, than rolling up in Humvees packed with sandbags

and water bottles, according to officials. They said any response to a

disaster involves intense planning and a combined effort of several

agencies, backed by active-duty and reserve-component Soldiers.


"When the nation calls, the Army responds," Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan,

commander of U.S. Army North, said Oct. 5 during a discussion on homeland

defense at the Association of the U.S. Army's Annual Meeting and Exposition.


Buchanan said his command has an array of state and regional emergency

preparedness liaison officers embedded across the country to assist

organizations, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


"This is our point element for defense support of civil authorities," he

said. "With the threat we're facing with Hurricane Matthew, FEMA is in

operation and we are in support of FEMA."


At the tip of disaster response are the Army's reserve forces. About 1,600

Guardsmen have already been activated in Florida and South Carolina for the

hurricane, with evacuations underway in the latter state. Hundreds more

Soldiers are on standby in other coastal states, according to a National

Guard Bureau news release Oct. 5.


If an event is very destructive, like a major hurricane, a state can lend

its Guardsmen to other states under the Emergency Management Assistance

Compact, a state-to-state mutual aid agreement used in times of disasters

and emergencies.


"Troops, units and equipment can go from one state to another state and fall

under the authority of that governor," Lt. Gen. Timothy Kadavy, the Army

National Guard director, said at the discussion. "It's something very unique

that allows us to shift capacity and capability around."


At the bureau level, Kadavy said he and other leaders anticipate

emergencies, primarily those brought on by hurricanes. "We have the ability

to put some capacity in the right places and preposition them based on what

adjutant generals think they will need in an emergency," he said.


Emergencies are mainly contained locally, with about 95 percent of state

emergencies never rising to the national level. "They're all handled and

managed by local and state authorities without it ever becoming a national

emergency," Kadavy said.


Army Reserve troops can also respond to disasters in and outside the

country. In potential relief efforts for Hurricane Matthew, the 377th

Theater Sustainment Command has ensured there are reservists ready to

operate if a foreign nation calls for help, according to the Army Reserve



"It's always a challenge making sure we have the systems in place to get the

right people moving at the right time," Lt. Gen. Charles Luckey said at the

panel discussion.


In the states, Reserve and Guard forces can unify efforts under a

dual-status commander. This Army's cooperation and teamwork with other

agencies is critical to success when disaster strikes, Luckey said.


"That's the combat multiplier, the enabler, the secret sauce, the silver

bullet -- partnerships and leveraging the authorities that other people

have," he said.


It also doesn't matter which type of Soldiers show up, as long as those in

need get help.


"When it comes to a disaster, the people don't care whether it's active

Army, Army Reserve or Guard. They just want somebody to save their house,"

he said.


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CAST 611 Advanced Penetration Testing Government & Intelligence Agencies interested in real world attack and defense in today’s complex and highly secure IT environments