RIP brother.
Barry Coates, the U.S. veteran who became the human face of the Veterans Affairs scandal over delays in care in 2014, has died.
Seven people. This man served our country, kept his cool as he put up with the VA BS, he dies due to incompetence, lack of empathy and probably could care less. The VA is such a disgrace to the veteran community. Not only in how most do not seem to give a damn, the audacity of case managers w/ VRE / Voc Rehab...The rest of the Nation, passive....wouldn't be so passive as they watched a loved one have their head sawed off like a fish.
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Robert Rouse

Shared publicly  -  Jan 30, 2016
RIP brother.
Nation, passive....wouldn't be so passive as they watched a loved one have their head sawed off like a fish.


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