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Wendy Eccles, Professional Resume Writer, Items you should always leave off your Resume and Linkedin Profile! Nov 30, 2015

Dear Friends,

Following is a list of items you should always leave off your resume and Linkedin profile when you want to make a great first impression and score that interview!

I hope you find them helpful!


Wendy Eccles
Professional Resume Writer
(253) 670-8328

1. Secondary skills
Emphasize, and place at the top of your resume, those skills that you actually want to continue developing in your next job. Do not include the ones you don't want to do in your next job, or you just might get stuck doing them.

2. High school jobs
The only exception to this is if you only graduated from high school.

3. The unprofessional email account
If you're still using an old email's time to create a new, more professional one.

4. Misspellings and poor grammar
Misspelled words and poor grammar are job-possibility killers--proofread several times and have others proof for you.

5. Superfluous things
Don't list hobbies on your resume. Also, any awards you list should be from community service or previous work.

6. Old-school resume formatting
Keep your font consistent throughout. Be concise.

7. The "Objective" section
Instead of describing what you are searching for in the "Objective" section, tell the prospective employer how valuable you can be to their company in your “Professional Summary”.

8. Personal information
Don't include information such as date of birth, ethnicity, reasons for leaving your previous jobs, specific street addresses, or phone numbers of previous employers.

9. A photo
The only reason you should ever include a photo with a resume is if how you look really does matter and was requested by a prospective employer. The advice for Linkedin is, of course, the exact opposite. Profiles with photos get more clicks, and more clicks get you seen more. Just make it professional.

10. Gaps in work experience
You may have a gap of a few months or more between leaving a job and getting a new job. Consider filling this gap with volunteer work, or perhaps you helped someone with his or her business, which would be considered consulting.

11. Your home number
Don't list your home number on your resume--always use a cell number. Employers want to know that you are reachable at any time, not just when you're at home.

12. References
You will be asked for references if you make it to the next step in the interview process. However, on LinkedIn, try to collect as many recommendations as possible!

13. Paragraphed job descriptions
Use bullet points. Prospective employers are much more likely to trash a resume with heavy content paragraphs versus a neat and clean billeted resume.

14. Salary figures--past and future
If you document what you were making, you could be selling yourself short, and if you say how much you would like to make, you could be killing any chance of an interview.

15. Duties and responsibilities
You want your prospective employer to see those things you can do better than anyone else, so refrain from a lengthy list of duties and responsibilities and instead focus on what you have done that makes you special. List challenges and how you overcame them. How did your company benefit or profit from your enthusiasm and creativity? What did you do to leave your company in a better place than when you started?

16. Age identifiers
Don't list those positions you had a long time ago, and leave off graduation dates. Age discrimination does exist, and you at least want to get your foot in the door for an interview so they can see how awesome you are!
  • Susan Embry-Busch 2nd
    Good advice. Will make some modifications on mine based on your points.
    11 hours ago
  • Doris Appelbaum 2nd
    CEO/Writer/Career Coach at Appelbaum's Resume Professionals, Inc.
    This is very good advice. I have been a professional resume writer for 40+ years and follow most of these rules. Focus on the value you bring to the employer.
    19 hours ago
  • Delwynne Lennon, MBA in HRM
    President - HR Management Student Club and Pursuing HR career
    Absolutely great advice.

  • Robson Aroeira, ITIL®
    Project Control Officer at IBM
    Great tips!
    22 hours ago
  • Ventura deCastro 2nd
    IT Director with12.6K of Selected Connection
    Excellent Tips I will re-work my profile . Thanks for sharing !
    22 hours ago
  • Colón Eliseo, FCWP 2nd
    Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist at State of Florida
    Solid tips. Ref:'s one email I noticed on a resume, selfmademan@...
    23 hours ago
  • Kristin Sherry, CBBSC 2nd
    Your Guide to Ultimate Career Fulfillment
    Nice article. One exception to number 5 is if the award is notable, such as ranked #1 nationally as a college tennis champion. It demonstrates excellence and discipline, even if it's not a work-related award.
    1 day ago
  • Joseph Bible, CSM 2nd
    Certified Scrum Master at Booz Allen Hamilton
    You provided some good tips here! Now to get mine cleaned up a bit!
    1 day ago
  • Drew Wesche M.S. 1st
    Security, Management, and Training Professional
    Also - your photo should either be 'neutral' or have some connection to your chosen profession. I saw a photo on LinkedIn for a person who is a family counselor. in the photo, they are holding an assault rifle (and not in a military uniform) I have also seen photo that have the word "PROOF" across the front. If there is more than one person in the photo, which one are you?
    1 day ago
  • Mohammed Huda 2nd
    Transitioning Supply Manager/Budget Administrator at United States Marine Corps
    To the point
    1 day ago
  • Robin Abbinanti
    Branch Office Coordinator at Caliber Home Loans
    Very helpful - now I am looking back at my stuff for edits :)
    1 day ago
  • Cindi Laws 2nd
    President, Purple Mountain Advocates: Public affairs
    I appreciated this very much, Wendy Krause
    1 day ago
  • Julianne Cochran 2nd
    Writer-Editor at Army Sustainment Magazine
    Thank you.
    1 day ago
  • Darrin K. Whitley, VCP5-DCV 2nd
    Multifaceted IT Operations Engineer | Chief Warrant Officer
    Wendy- Is the Professional Summary the first part of the resume near the top?
    2 days ago
  • Tyler Thornhill 2nd
    Security Specialist
    Thank you!!!!
    3 days ago


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