Please inform other Veterans, particularly those with PTSD as well that it is important to get the word out that real and lasting change can truly happen.

Blog by Dr. Ron Park My
colleague, Dr. Ron Parks has written a comprehensive article entitled:
PTSD, Terror and Trauma - Holistic Approach. A greater number of people,
appear to be now having more exposure to terror events, trauma and are
developing an increase in trauma-related illnesses, including PTSD -
View on
Breaking NewsIt has been my privilege to have assisted a 26 year old disabled marine veteran to have experienced a complete healing of mind, body & spirit from the ravages of PTSD. My colleague (Dr. George Roselle) & I have been honored, along with veteran, Wade ...
Good job George Lindenfeld. I've started sharing this information, at the same time asking that they also f... 2h
Announcement from RESET Therapy: An amazing intervention for PTSDNew Sarasota Herald Tribune article on PTSD treatment with RESET Therapy. Cut & paste the following into your browser:

Veterans Care
Social Worker at Freelancer
are the protector of 320 million US population and they are the one who
give ultimate sacrifice just because civilians can live a peaceful and
safe life with their families. They aren’t only soldiers but also their
families have sacrificed a...
Utpdated Youtube
Folks sorry I haven't been very active with the group. Been involved in producing an updated you-tube that you can view at:
or go to you-tube & type in: PTSD Healed Permanently. Also, my book is coming out...
Talk therapy less effective than previously thought.
New York Times article by Benedict Carey entitled “Effectiveness of
Talk Therapy is Overstated, a Study says.” Was published on September
30, 2015.
“Five million to six million Americans receive psychotherapy for depression each year, and many of th...
“Five million to six million Americans receive psychotherapy for depression each year, and many of th...
- Bobby Fields Interesting read, but I am not sure how the 55 NIH-funded studies are more or less significant than the hundreds of studies on different "talk therapy" options for depression. A meta-analysis should be much more comprehensive than this, I would think.
- Kurt Wilkens Suggestion, Allostatic overload (Bruce McEwen, neuroscientist) the different timing of environmental risk factors such as toxins, infectious disease during mom's pregnancy, and/or trauma; physical, mental, emotional, sexual effects a p...
Risk for PTSD did not significantly differ between Male & Female service personnel
Jacobson IG, et al. J Psychiatr Res. 2015;doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2015.05.015. - August 28, 2015
“Deployments in support of the recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have included more women than all other conflicts in U.S. military history. The...
Newspaper article: 8/22/15
wonderful article has just been published online by the Sarasota Herald
Tribune entitled: "Veterans with PTSD praise audio-therapy results."
This is about RESET Therapy, the BAUD & my use of this treatment
with veterans. Look for it at:
- JoAnne MacTaggart, Psy.D, RRT George Lindenfeld this is truly a great article. A succinct description of the need to grow beyond QEEG to fMRI for accurately diagnosing & treating specific experiential & memory-based PTSD.
Sadly, the last testimony yo...
New Study Questions Effectiveness of Current PTSD Treatments
Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin August 4, 2015 4, 2015
How Effective Are PTSD Treatments for Veterans?Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin
Aug. 4, 2015
A new study suggests commonly used first-line treatments for...
How Effective Are PTSD Treatments for Veterans?Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin
Aug. 4, 2015
A new study suggests commonly used first-line treatments for...
- Lynn Lennon I'm not sure it is that different. This photo is showing hyperactivation but not showing (often concomitant) hypoactivation areas.
Dunno - lemme think on it- doing about six things at once at the moment...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Revelation
In the face of an onslaught of increasing need related to the effects of trauma, a recent meta-analysis published in May 2015 by Johnsen, T. J., & Friborg, O. has raised some eyebrows. The authors analyzed 70 studies that were done between 1977 and 2...
Female Veteran Suicide - "It's staggering,"
posted this earlier within another discussion but it's too important to
have it buried in other context. Therefore, I want it to stand alone as
a discussion issue in its own right. Our vet's deserve others to know
what they are dealing with!
- George Lindenfeld Bob, I believe that the data was there all of the time but no one bothered to look at it. Isn't that a hoot and typical of bureaucracy. I'm not sure how to tease out veteran vs civilian stats but I sure it's buried in all the number...
Announcement from RESET Therapy: An amazing intervention for PTSD
to this group. I am looking forward to an exciting dialog with you
related to the way RESET results in remission of the emotional
components of trauma. I trust that you have read the paper published in I truly believe that when ...
- Theresa Swann "Dr. George is WONDERFUL. His treatment got me completely off of the drugs I was taking for a back injury. It was bad enough I was considering disability. I now function with little or no back pain. I am able to work and take care of my...
Neuronal circuit disorder
like to propose that you take a quantum leap with me to the near future
where we comfortably refer to mental disturbance as a neuronal circuit
disorder. Just think about it for a moment. Would our active military be
more responsive to having thei...
- July 29, 2015
By Thomas Insel on July 29, 2015
Graphic of representation of brain We have reached an interesting moment in our quest to understand how the brain works. Our current tool...
see this group as a vehicle for the sharing of ideas, applications and
thoughts related to this exciting therapy based upon brain circuitry and
memory principles rather then primitive concepts developed two
centuries ago. I look forward to your con...
- Caroline Culliton I was extremely fortunate to benefit from this new therapy model before Dr. Lindenfeld's retirement. He and RESET saved my life...or rather, gave me a life worth living after a lifetime of 'getting by' under the burden of the traum...
PTSD has a lasting effect throughout one's life course
research that began a generation ago has found that veterans from the
Vietnam era with persistent posttraumatic stress disorder have shown
surprisingly little improvement in their condition. In a recent article
from the New York Times, Doctor Charles Marmar, chairman of psychiatry
at NYU Langone Medical Center and director of the NYU Veterans Center
noted that, “A significant number of veterans are going to have PTSD for
a lifetime unless we do something radically different. More than 18% of
those with PTSD have died by retirement age, about twice the percentage
of those without the disorder.”
See my article in regarding RESET Therapy.
See my article in regarding RESET Therapy.
PTSD Permanently Healed! The 20 Minute Trauma Fix
Looking for the elusive therapists . . .