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Change Careers
What are Your Skills?
When considering a career change, the first step is to identify your skills. 

Switching Occupation or Industry
Follow these tips to find a new occupation or industry. 

Make Yourself Marketable
Take control of your job search. Learn about labor market trends and prospective employers' needs. This will help you communicate to them what you have to offer. 

mySkills myFuture
Enter a job you've had, and get a list of occupations that require similar skills.  Then you can explore careers, find training, and view and apply for job postings. 

Green Careers
Learn about green work options and the skills, education, and training needed for these jobs. 

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DOD Directive 8570.1 Compliance + requiring certification: U.S. State Department, FBI, FAA BAE Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman Raytheon, SAIC

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To the quality counselors out there, thank you for your diligent efforts!

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CAST 611 Advanced Penetration Testing Government & Intelligence Agencies interested in real world attack and defense in today’s complex and highly secure IT environments