Ensure a fast start and a long, lucrative career with the right professional credentials - See more

Professional Society of Warriors Aligning veterans and their families with training programs to produce a clear pathway into and through career and technical educational programs which lead to life-sustaining jobs.
ATTENTION: SERVICE MEMBERS AND VETERANS This is YOUR opportunity! There’s a career in I.T. waiting for you! We’ll guide you on your path toward training, certification, and provide resources assisting your secure placement! - See more at: http://www.mil-net.us/#sthash.QEWlNies.dpuf

Veteran Workforce Collaboration A network of resources and direct service for military personnel to improve job employment resources strategically implementing program effectiveness.

We are able to guide you as individual or company, depending on respective needs; Employment Training, Employment Networks provider, OJT, Registered Apprenticeship Programs where available, Federal Employment Training Program, Workforce System Contacts and Strategic Partners, State Services Free Resume Review -  "Peter Newfield is the Resume Expert for VeteranCareer.org and provides a Free Resume Review to current and past members of the Military.” Of course, if you need it professionally rewritten, a price quote will be provided. They have an A+ rating from the BBB. Check them out at www.career-resumes.com

CAREER SERVICES - RESUME PREPARATION - INTERVIEW COACHING - COLLABORATIVE EFFORT  If you are thinking about a career change in 2016, then you might want to have a look at the burgeoning cybersecurity market which is expected to grow from $75 billion in 2015 to $170 billion by 2020.

A knack for cat and mouse play may indicate that you have an aptitude for cybersecurity. It is a field where the good guys -- cybersecurity professionals -- are pitted against the bad guys -- cybercriminals a.k.a. hackers. Assuming you'd want to be a good guy - a career can mean a six-figure salary, job security, and the potential for upward mobility.

More than 209,000 cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. are unfilled, and postings are up 74% over the past five years, according to a 2015 analysis of numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics by Peninsula Press, a project of the Stanford University Journalism Program.'

report from Cisco puts the global figure at one million cybersecurity job openings. Demand is expected to rise to 6 million globally by 2019, with a projected shortfall of 1.5 million, says Michael Brown, CEO at Symantec, the world’s largest security software vendor.
If you are already in the tech field, then crossing over to security can mean a bump in pay. Cybersecurity workers can command an average salary premium of nearly $6,500 per year, or 9% more than other IT workers, according to the Job Market Intelligence: Cybersecurity Jobs 2015 report published by Burning Glass Technologies.

 Ensure a fast start and a long, lucrative career with the right professional credentials - See more at: http://www.mil-net.us/certifications.html#sthash.1vCQ5nyk.dpuf


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